Little Talks: Anna — Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer - Blog

Little Talks: Anna

Little Talks

YOU: Are tracked out of school right now and are my little shadow all day long.  You love shopping and could shop for clothes, shoes, accessories and toys for hours.  You love picking out the "perfect" outfits, which always include some pretty shoes and a matching headband.  You can easily rock red, pink and orange all together, no problem at all.  You are obsessed with filling up your "marble jar" and will do just about anything to get another marble.  You are an awesome listener and a rule follower.  You always eat your fruit and veggies first, ask politely for seconds and clean up your own plate.  You love being wherever I am, and shine when I ask you to be my helper.  You still suck that thumb when you are tired, but we are working on that (slowly, obviously). You are sweet as pie and as cute as they come.  You love to cuddle with momma, which just melts my heart. 

ME: I'm loving our "girl" time together when Drew is in school.  I'm trying to find a love for shopping so I can keep up with you, but that doesn't look like it's happening any time soon!  I'm taking a much needed social media break and I'm loving every minute of my "free" time.  I'm working on "just being", which is actually really hard for me.  I'm trying to remind myself to slow down and enjoy these little moments...not to rush through to the next planned activity, meal, etc.  I'm reading books like the library is getting ready to close.  I'm wearing kimonos and sweaters all day everyday and I can't get enough of apple almond butter cookies.  

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