Remember those precious months as you carried your next baby in your belly while daydreaming of your new little family of four (or maybe terrified of the thought of being responsible for MORE people, lol)? This stage of life is so special and so bittersweet all at the same time. Things are changing, life is growing and your heart is going to expand more than you ever thought possible.
Savor this moment because it passes too quickly.

And now you're ready to book a maternity right?? Here's the low-down for ya. Maternity sessions are done in your home + fave places...we usually always venture outside around your home to play (weather permitting). Some folks like to do just their house and yard, some folks like to do just one room of their house and their favorite park up the road. We're not meeting in some random park or place you've never been before. These are the places that matter most to you. This stage/house/moment you're at right now will be totally different and changed and just "where in the world did time go?" a year from now. Take the time to capture your here and now. I promise you will NEVER regret preserving those in-between moments. Call or email me for session deets (or just click this link riiiiiiight here).