Easy Like A Monday Morning — Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

Easy Like A Monday Morning

Yeah, right. Like Mondays are easy. Ever.

There's nothing I hate more than that crazy frenzy that comes each morning before we leave for school (well...maybe unloading dishes, but that's a story for another day). I plan, you guys, but still some days I feel like I might explode trying to heard these cattle kids out the door in the morning.  

We are well into the swing of the school year and I have been DETERMINED to make our mornings less stressful, calmer and easier. It has to be easier. Seriously.

I mean, look at these precious sleeping faces. Even the hairy, messy dog looks cute and awwwww. I love peeking in on them and savoring that one sweet moment before everyone starts talking or whining or running and NOT EATING.

So yep. This year I'm taking control and am determined to make our mornings better. I mean, everyone has a better day when we all leave the house skipping and smiling, right?

So what are we doing different this year? I'll tell ya my secret. Probably not a secret or earth shattering, but it's our formula for sanity around here. And we are into week three of school and about 99% of our days have been calmer, less hectic and just dag-blame peaceful. Some mornings I even feel like Mary Poppins (minus the umbrella).

Here ya go!

#1- Every night I take about 20 minutes to pack lunches, gather all of my kids folders/notebooks/school stuff and pack their backpacks.

#2 - The kids set our their clothes for the day (socks, shoes, underwear and all) so it's all ready to go in the morning.

Side note

- my kids wear uniforms, so we don't really have many options when it comes to picking out clothes for the day!

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.

#3- We all get up 30 minutes earlier than we did last year. You know, the year where I spent every morning sweating and running and cursing under my breath as I shoved the kids into the car. 30 minutes makes the world of a difference. I love my sleep and all, but I'm pretty sure I like my sanity more.  These extra minutes give us time to hang out, make breakfast (and actually let the kids help because we.have.the.time).

#4-TEA! Teami tea to be exact!

Now while I'm a devoted coffee lover to the core, I kind of cheat on my coffee and always start my morning with a cup of Teami Skinny tea. And oh, man. It just does the trick every single time. It's the jumpstart to my day (not to mention my metabolism) and I just feel so much better....more energetic; more excited; more RELAXED. The stuff works, friends.

I start the day with Teami Skinny and finish my night with Teami Colon Cleanse (which also keeps me from snacking after the kids go down....errrr....usually). I love the combo and I especially LOVE the effects! And you know the saying..."if mama's happy...". Try it for yourself and see! Use the code BRYAN10 to save 10% off your order at Teami!

So there you have it! My secrets for morning sanity. Follow my easy steps #1-4 and I guarantee your mornings will be pure bliss. Well, maybe not "bliss" like a trip to Cabo would be, but more like "bliss" - you made it out of the door without drop kicking the dog and talking to Jesus.

(awkward outtake)

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