A Recap: My 2015 Project Life Book Project — Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

A Recap: My 2015 Project Life Book Project

Oh man that's a lot of books!!  Will you just look at all of those memories?
I can't believe that this project is done and finished. Each album really was a labor of love, but looking back through all of the memories and stories recorded, there's not ONE thing I would change about the process.  I loved being able to try something new every month. It kept this year-long project doable and fun. Printing still is my nemesis, but having these photos off of my camera is pure happiness.  

If you're thinking about tackling a project similar to this, here are some things I learned this past year!

1. Always start with an album size. There were many months where I really struggled and went back and forth on an album size. If I would have just picked one and moved forward, it would have saved me so much time.  So pick your album size, run with it and don't look back! You always have next month to change things up!

2. Print your photos first. As soon as I selected my album size, I started printing my photos. I typically printed mine altogether towards the end of the month (or the beginning of the next month). I found it much easier to batch print, than to try to print throughout the month.  As far as photo size was concerned, I always printed a variety, but made sure my largest photo was the size of my album (6x8, 4x6, 4x4, etc....).  The double spread photos were usually printed last after I started putting my album together.

3. Don't overthink your book or your pages. Seriously. I can't stress this enough (and I'm totally guilty of this and am mainly talking to myself here, lol). When it's all said and done, that one page you spent so much time worrying about, or thinking about, will just be a page in an awesome book you put together.  So don't overthink the process. Just do it!

4. Cut down your ephemera. I trimmed all of my cards, artwork, programs, etc.. to whatever sized album I was using for the month. Remember, it's better to cut it down and put it in an album than to "save" it for another day (which likely means it will never make an appearance again).

5. Repeat your favorite size!  If you are trying to do a new book every month, then you will mostly likely repeat a size. That's totally fine!!  The 4x4 (and 6x6) size was by far my favorite and it made it's appearance three times last year. This size was very easy to work with and was very simple to put together. This size definitely took out a lot of the guesswork when it comes to what to put where/what to put in a pocket etc...  Find what works for you and go for it! There are definitely no rules with this project!

6. Shop your stash. I moved through so many products last year and I am SO grateful for that! I am the world's worst hoarder, so it was tempting to hold onto stuff at times, but I am so thankful that I made myself use it! I actually appreciate the card/album/paper more seeing it used rather than sitting in my stash! 

And if you are BORED out of your mind and want to listen to me for two hours, well, here ya go! All 12 videos for your viewing pleasure! ;)  Thank you to everyone who followed along with this fun adventure! The process was fantastic, but having these completed albums is truly the icing on the cake!!