My Take on Art Journaling: Part 4 — Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

My Take on Art Journaling: Part 4

I posted part 4 of my art journal over on Maggie's blog a while back, but really wanted to share it here so all of my pages could be easily linked together.  

I really enjoy working on this sweet little book.  It's pretty much slam-packed right now and I'm trying to decide what type of album I'm going to use next.  Maybe a Handbook.  Or I might just make my own.  Who knows!!

Ok.... so here is my take on art journaling: part 4.

Click the links below for Part 1, 2 and 3 of my art journal.  :)

And that's a look at my art journal!  Are you ready to start yours yet?  I promise you won't be disappointed!!

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