Around Here — Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

Around Here

For the most part, I completely unplugged this past week and just enjoyed being a momma.  It was pretty awesome and I will definitely be making some changes to my "online" presence over the next few weeks.  Don't get me wrong....I love social media and consider myself an "instagram-aholic".  I love the online friends I have met and the little glimpses of their lives I get through Instagram and their blogs.  But I kind like just hanging out better.  Being with family.  Being with friends.  Just being.  Life is busy enough as it is and to add in more stressors with social media just makes everything one big cluster.  And I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I do love blogging.  I love this blog.  I love that it's all mine and I especially love that I don't have a running list of people who "liked" my post.  Comments are pretty few here, as it seems they are on most small blogs, and I'm okay with that.  I love the readers who do take the time to leave me a small note, and I'm making it a goal to leave more notes here and there on the inter-web.

I'll continue to post my design team projects and other fun crafty adventures here on this blog, but I plan on adding in more "real life" stuff.  I want to add more of "me" and my personality.  I want to break out of my shell and share more of our life, my feelings and our everyday adventures.  Photography has always been a passion and picking up my camera has never felt so good.  So, with's what we have been up to this week!

Thank you so much to those who take the time to read my little blog.  Lots of hugs and kisses to you!!  Happy weekend!  I hope it's full of hugs and happiness!!